43 Nawanagar, Dockyard Rd, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400010

Frequent Flyers Database

Frequent Flyers Database

India is considered to be the fastest-growing aviation market. It is also the third-largest domestic civil aviation market in the world and is projected to become the overall third largest aviation market by March 2018. It recorded air traffic of 131 million passengers in 2016, estimated to be 60 million international passengers by 2017. The market is also estimated to have 800 aircraft by 2020. The number of flyers within the aviation industry have grown exponentially from 1.40 crores in 2001 to 13.50 in 2016.

Quicksearch provides you the database of frequent flyers that can be refined to a particular city. Our database is having a scruitinised list of passengers who are frequently traveling and are considered to be termed as frequent flyers. This database can be effectively used to reach customers for various purposes such as for providing ticketing services, etc.

Why buy database from Quicksearch?

  • 10 Lakh database entries of frequent flyers.
  • The database can be filtered according to the city.
  • The database is updated on a frequent basis in order to improve its quality
  • The database is validated ideal for SMS Marketing and Email Marketing.

Database available for all Major Cities

  • Mumbai
  • Ahmedabad
  • Bangalore
  • Pune
  • Chennai
  • Hyderabad
  • Delhi NCR
  • Kolkata




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